Friday, December 4, 2009

Hello peeps!

Hello people!Long time no post!got PSLE results back...kinda ok...2a* likely going Crescent Girls.My first choice...:D Future school:D lol.ok lor...waiting for news.Nedd to go now .Bye everybody!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


OMG.I accidentally pressed who knows what and changed my blog skin!Silin!I need your help after PSLE!THANKS!Felt like dying today!So rush lor...haizz...just feeling like to go now.most likely after PSLE then can post again.:D

Saturday, September 5, 2009


first of all,YEAH!!!got my results back,kind of sastified.And a little disappointed.But who cares.Prelims are over,now it is doom time!PSLE!!!tuition go homework,school got homework and home also is really making me go bonkers.that is why i am hyper in school,somtimes.haha!Just taking a break after doing work.Got to work sian....ok got to go.see you soon,hopefully.....

Friday, August 28, 2009

First text ever

Hey y'all!ok.This is freaking me out!This is my first text,first blog.This looks awesome because of mainly one of my best friends.Yo!Thanks a million.Today was higher mother tongue exam and we went to 6-5.So happy for Si lin.She should be over the moon.It was not on purpose.Fate!That was the culprit!I am so dead on monday.Shes gonna tease me like hell!Better get myself prepared!And get my armor.this is gonna be a battle which I will be slaughtered.Got to go now!that's all for now,mii first post!gotto go!bb! especially _______!